Monday 26 November 2012

From here to eternity, I have decided what kind of d I'm going to be

Adventure! Everything will be an adventure m! Everything! Everything! Everything! Let's get this fun party started!

Ma règle de théorie

De fait un F, il faut montrer d'une façon logique la construction d'un monde sur l'écran; un monde qui n'existait pas auparavant. Quels sont les qualités de ce monde? Comment montrez-vous sa construction?Quels sont les lois physique, émotionnelle, et visuels qui constituent ce monde?

Thursday 22 November 2012

My 3 stage career

On sait ce qu'on fait estère. Après ça sera la fête des images-de-guérisson. Enfin, l'astre des cinnabons.

Genre For Series 2 Chosen

Simply put, space + Jarvis Burchill

Tuesday 20 November 2012

The proper genre for Dimensions

Très bien: pour bien préciser, prenons l'idée de l'individualiste et le biscuit de thé, et mettons ça en espace. (Souviens-toi de la blague de ton frère sur l'âge du caractère principal).

Location of Studio Announced

The location of my studio and centre of operations will be : Douceyland!

May this decision bring luck & good fortune.

2012 Animation and Film Split

Yes, this is also important:  The Ani-Musico-Historics, The Ani-Fantasies, The 2 Filmy-Scifi-series, and The Filmy-Bardies. Sorry you know who. You still remain a country above the rest, when it comes to class.

Friday 16 November 2012


Flashbacks, near the beginning of a story, where a character is shown to be younger, can be a very good device.

Add to those, these

38 theatre productions
38 impressive music concerts

The Canadian Archetype

This character will represent that country. Think father of J. DSS. His frontier life. Small dwelling. Individual against....... well you know how it is. Transplant that on the future setting, and presto! You have an archetype.

Effective Image good for In the Dimensional Space

An effective Image surely is this:  A house on a river that flows down continually to new lands. This in fact is the allied humaine HQ. An interesting visual experience: to be inside, outside it, and to see where it goes.

Animation and Film Spli

Yes, this is important:

The Ani-Historics, The 2 Ani-Scifi-series, The Filmy-Bardies, and the Filmy-Frenchies.

Effective Villain Characters

A note on effective villain characters: A true-to-life trait is to have them have some kind of previous injury, for example: a war injury, serious enough to distinctly impede their enjoyment of life. This is a good bkd pour ce type de personnage.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Animation is my game

Alright here are my 5 endeavours:

Dimensions 7 seasons of 20 (2100)
Dimensions Epic 7 seasons of 20 (2200)
38 Original Historical Pieces
38 Original Shakesperia
38 Original French Drama, Prose, Poetry adaptations

Dimensions will be a combination of ST & GA. Epic will be more epic.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Dimensions Recurrent

Use animals, real wonderful animals. Represent the fauna of the pretty world.

Sunday 4 November 2012

How Many Films are about a puzzle being solved?

A lot, I bet. Something to think about closely.

The cultural identity and hidden magic real place of this Earth

Also, I want to display the rich cultural and location riches of this world. By going there, by talking to characters who represent these cultures. Let's get started!!!

Here's the deal Boyo

Okay Great. So you got your creative Trilogy. We must fill in number 2. To do this our template will be clear. Remington Steel. Every JB film with this actor. His gentlemanly demeanor, fashion, and understated presence of style are what this show will be all about. Take it way, young man!