Monday 8 October 2012

First Movie Title

Hi Ladies and Gentleme/an,

I have decided upon a title for my first full length film: Colony. It will be in my category of films I plan on making called: Metaphysical altered-reality dream exploration. 

To quote the illustrious youthful sage of our time, Keanu Reeves: Woah!


  1. That man does have the ability to capture the mass essence of early adulthood doesn't he?
    I don't know if we should be proud or ashamed...

  2. It is funny, they made a movie named that since I wrote that. Same with Katy Perry, I was thinking of making a show called PRISM months ago... and then she goes along and uses it for her new album, shame on you Katy Purry!

    1. Just goes to show you are a true artist - you just need some help on timing!

    2. True words... that is okay, I just need some time to get my momentum up. It is the ultimate rope-a-dope... just when they think I am up to nothing interesting... SHAA ZAAM!

  3. As to Keanu, you are right, he has an almost Zen connection to the spirit of that age... Excellent.....
